Saturday, October 4, 2008

We live in Paris...

We must have been really tired. We just discovered that we have a view of the Eiffel Tower from our new apartment. If you stand in the entry way and look to the left from the window the Eiffel Tower is visible rising above the adjacent building. If you walk out our front door and walk halfway across avenue charles de gaule and stand in the dividing strip, if you look west you see the grande arch of la defense, if you look east you see the arc d'triomphe.

We occassuionally need reminders that we are actualy living in Paris.

Update and pictures to follow soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

We are in.......

and our stuff has arrived. It took them less than 2 days to move all of our stuff in. However, they were not very organized and brought most of the boxes first with the furniture coming near the end. This meant that we could unpack boxes but had no place to put stuff. Needless to say the place is a mess but we are working our way through the problem.

Samuel is a real handful. He won't stop rolling over. Even when we are changing his diapers he is trying to roll over. We are trying to teach him how to crawl as he gets on his belly and just kicks, kicks and kicks his legs but he does not go anywhere. Hope he doesn't start to crawl soon as we have a lot of work to do to child proof this place.

Julia and I were both hurt today as I was sitting in the rocking chair in Samuel's room, holding him and Julia walked in with two of his favorite toys that she had found in the living room. As she walked towards us she held the inchworm up in the air and Samuel reached for it with both hands. He has never reached intentionally for anything before, not even us. It is good to know where we stand in our son's priorities.

That is all for now. Will hopefully be able to post pictures by this weekend. Keep those comments (that is sarcasm) coming.

Hotel Charter is now open for business. The guest room futon has received mountains(okay, 3 people) of raves for its size and comfiness(is that a word?).



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome to the grand re-opening of the Charter hotel....

It is almost time to move in.  We received the keys today.  The inspection was scheduled for 9Am and when we arrived we were met by the inspector and the owner.  A very nice man who is apparently very busy right now as he is a very high ranking government official in charge of regulating banks.  Everything that we asked them to do for the apartment has been completed with the exception of replacing the opaque window in one of the bedrooms but he said that the glass was on order and should arrive soon.

Again, the new place just feels like home.  It is smaller but much more cozy and comfortable.  we will not have any problem with storage space as we saw the cave (cellar) today and it is the biggest we have seen so far.  More than adequate space for Christmas decorations and seasonal clothes and wine.

The movers arrive tomorrow morning to pack up our air shipment and the stuff we have purchased since our arrival.  They will then move it to the new place and begin delivering our sea shipment.  They hope to finish early on Friday.

Will post pictures within the next few days as we get settled.

The hotel is officially open for business next week.  We will have our first guest this week as Julia's mum, Moya, will arrive to help us move in and spend time with Samuel so that we can deal with the movers and unpacking.

The cats should be fine as we plan on leaving them in the old apartment until the movers are finished at the new place.  We hope to have the whole family together again by Friday evening.

Phone numbers should not change. New address is:

109 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
Neuilly-sur_seine, 92200

It is easy to get to us from Charles de Gaulle airport or gare de nord(trains).   From either location you only have to change metro/rer once to arrive about 100 yards from our front door.