Friday, October 2, 2009

Samuel story

Tonight I was using our hallway loo (Toilet, for those of you on the other side of the Atlantic) and Samuel walked over and was waiting for me to exit.  As I exited he dropped the pacifier that he had been holding in his hand.  He started to follow me as I was leaving for the kitchen. I told him to go back and pick up his pacifier, which he did.

As he was following me through the dining room on our way into the kitchen he again dropped his pacifier.  When we entered the kitchen I told him to go back and get his pacifier. He gave me a rather quizzical look and I again told him to go back and pick up his pacifier.  He then raised his right arm and pointed in the direction of where the pacifier lay.  I told him yes, you need to go back where we were and pick up your pacifier.  He then turned around and left the kitchen and returned with the pacifier.  he received a wet kiss on the top of his blonde head, a huge hug and a thank you.

It is situations like these that ease our concerns about Samuel not verbalizing many words at this time. He clearly understands the spoken word, when he wants to, and responds appropriately.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Samuel's first bloody nose.....

I am sure it is the first of many but we must share the story.

Julia was upstairs and I was in the kitchen preparing Samuel's food for the next day.  Samuel was playing near the front door.  He decided to join me in the kitchen and as he was rounding the corner he apparently tripped over the corner of one of our turkish rugs.  He fell face first into the rug and his nose immediately began to bleed.  Luckily it was not that bad and the bleeding stopped quickly.  Except for a small bump on his forehead Samuel was fine.

In honor of his mishap his good night story was Mr Clumsy from the Mr. Men series.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Samuel's big week

Samuel hit a major milestone this week.  For the first time, he ate solid food!  Sometimes peer pressure can be a wonderful thing.  The HG have been fantastic at encouraging him to eat and giving him solid food at lunch time so that he can 'pretend' to eat like the other 12 or so kids eating there with him.  Only a few weeks later, he has gone from pretending to really doing!  When I went to pick Samuel up on Wednesday the women who run the HG told me that he had eaten the puree we had sent with him and had also eaten a couple of little yoghurts (petit suisse) that they had offered him.  Yippee!!!!  He did the same thing on Friday and we will now try and see whether we can get him to eat solids at home as well... that is the final challenge. But this week was the major first step.

The women at the HG all seemed to love Samuel.  They said he was a little clown and a scamp (coquin) - in other words, a cute and mischievous little boy who has them wrapped around his little fingers.  He has developed a knack for turning around when he is told not to do something, laughing very cutely, and turning back to keep doing it.   We are trying to make sure he doesn't get too spoiled and understands that no really does mean no!