Friday, January 9, 2009

Samuel's introduction to static electricity......

Over Christmas we visited Julia's friends Paul and Bridget. They have two wonderful children, Beth and Leon.  Leon was very sweet during our visit and he shared his helium balloon with Samuel.  Samuel was very excited.

Julia came home from work yesterday(8/1) with two helium balloons.  One immediately became fouled in our ceiling fan but Samuel grabbed the other and refused to let go. Last night during dinner Samuel continued to play with his balloon so we decided to take advantage of the situation and expose Samuel to static electricity.

I am not worried.  As I was typing this Samuel decided to go on another adventure and he departed the office without my noticing.  He almost made it to our bedroom before I caught him.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Samuel's travels

Samuel took a rather circuitous and destructive trip today.

He was playing on his activity mat before he began his trek across the floor. His first stop was the cd rack where he pulled most of our Christmas cd's onto the floor.    Next, a few DVD's found their way onto the floor, followed closely by an empty trash bin.  Next the magazine rack was moved about 3 feet.  Finally, Samuel turned the corner into the hallway heading toward his bedroom.  All in all a trip of approximately 25 feet. He had a smile on his face for the duration of the trip.

He is very, very close to crawling.  I feel sorry for the workers at the halte garderie.

And now to remove all doubt>>>>>

The top picture is me at about 18 months.  No, I was not dressing myself at that age.  Scarred for life at such a young age.

The bottom picture is at about 6  months.  The bottom picture is photographic proof that Samuel is my child.  There is no way to deny the resemblance.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday January 7th

Thank you P & G.

P & G has done a wonderful thing and agreed to pay for a babysitter while I attend my french lessons.  We had arranged with Berlitz for lessons to be conducted at our home but for each home lesson they would have charged me 1 teaching unit for travel.  We had tried to take Samuel to Berlitz for lessons and he behaved relatively well but I was distracted and unable to concentrate.

This morning Julia visited a halte garderie (A childcare service, usually provided by the government) and we were accepted for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons beginning on the 20th.  This was also arranged by P & G.  We do not know what they did and we do not want to know what they did to get us accepted.  On Tuesday Julia was told that the halte garderie has a 6 month waiting list.  P & G made some phone calls to arrange this mornings visit and we are accepted during Julia's visit.

Samuel being in the halte garderie will allow me to start a massage practice in Paris.  It will obviously be very limited as I am able to work only 2 afternoons per week but it will allow me to have some adult interaction in English with someone other than my wife and feel that I am making a contribution to society other than being a parent..

The bad news.  The construction above us is continuing.  We have heard from neighbors and our concierge that the estimate of work has been advised to be anywhere from 2-6 months. Our landlord has not returned phone calls or e-mails.  Very, very frustrating.  We are keeping our options open.

Previous post

The previous post was created by Samuel.

We have moved our computer to the office and he was playing on the floor and started to fuss.  I picked him up and he began to play with the keyboard. I had the impression that he wished to express himself to the world.

Will see if we can make this a regular feature of the blog.

Post from Samuel

w2`1 2`9+

Tuesday January 6th

A good day for Julia.

I was sitting on the couch watching a very bad American movie dubbed and subtitled.  I do this to help me with my french.  Samuel was playing on the floor.  Julia came in the front door and Samuel was able to see her from where he was playing.  He immediately went into his superman routine(extending his arms over his head and slapping the floor with his hands and kicking his legs as if he was flying).  When he does this he looks as if he is dong the superman position from pilates.

Samuel then proceeded to scoot forward on the floor toward Julia.  He did not quite crawl but he did move forward with a  coordinated effort of his arms and legs.  Julia may have to leave Samuel everyday but she does get to to see the excitement on his face when she returns home.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday, 5 January-A very, very bad day

17:14  Sitting at the computer in the office watching the snow swirl in the courtyard.  Yes, it is snowing for the 6th time this winter.  It has been snowing since before 5 Am when Samuel woke up for a feeding.  I think I remember my wife telling me that it never snows in Paris!

Another terrible day in Paris.  At 0830 this morning the sound of construction began cascading from the servants quarters above our apartment. We had begun hearing noises above us in late November and called the owner informing him that noises were coming from above and that there may be squatters moving in.  He informed us that the co-owners of the building had been in negotiations for years to sell the access(the corridors that connect the servants quarters) space to the servants quarters area(The servants quarters themselves having apparently been sold years earlier.) He went on to tell us that these sounds were the architect taking measurements and making plans for possible future construction. Imagine our surprise. Now we know why the owner moved out over the summer.

Julia came home from work, after I called her and she was unable to get in touch with the owner, to talk to the workers to get any information that they had.  This is one of the most frustrating aspects of being in Paris for me. For those of you that know me I am a bit of a control freak.  It pains me to have depend on Julia to do so much of the "little" things  in our relationship right now, due to my lack of conversational french.

The worker did tell Julia that the greatest noises would be today and Tuesday.  With painting and installation of parquet floor to follow.  A total of about 3 weeks of work.  The intent is to renovate the area to storage and small office spaces.  They have not been given permission to install sanitary facilities or hot/cold water.  If this is true we will at least not have anyone living above us.

Julia also asked for and received the name and contact of the architect. She spoke to him and he confirmed what the worker had said.  He also confirmed that a staircase would not need to be constructed.  For those of you that have not yet visited.  We are on the 5th floor with a 6th floor consisting of servants quarters above us.  The lift and the main stairs currently end on our floor. There is a servants staircase that allows access to the servants quarters.  This does raise the question of what will be stored in the "Storage" area being built if there is no lift access, only 6 flights of windy, narrow stairs.  But both the workers and the architect stated that an extension of the lift or main staircase are not in their plans.

At this point we are in a wait and see mode.  If the work becomes more than we have been told or if it looks as if the space above is being developed for residential use we will give our 90 day notice and begin a search for a house in the suburbs.  We both enjoy urban living but not the living in an apartment that seems to be required of it.

We do have the option of telling P & G that we wish to move.  This is our last and final option as it would likely have the effect of eliminating Julia's prospects of promotion with the company.



Photo sharing


The link for the Christmas photos does not seem to be accessible.

Does anyone know of a good photo sharing site that we can use instead of Kodak?


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Response to Robert

Long time no hear.

When are you coming for a visit?

Created a new email just for you(Yes, you are that special!):