Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A new video

A video of Samuel playing the piano is being posted to youtube as this is being typed.

Samuel's new words

Chee is cheese.  His new favorite food.

Peek-a-boo is now coo-coo.  Last night during dinner Julia was trying to play peek-a-boo(putting your hands over your eyes, quickly removing your hands and saying peek-a-boo) with Samuel.  When Julia said peek-a-boo Samuel responded with coo-coo.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Samuel sets a new record

Samuel is constantly pushing the limits.  Last week Samuel set a new personal best by stuffing 3 rolls of toilet paper into the downstairs toilet.  Yesterday Samuel managed to climb into his Stokke highchair and jammed himself into it sideways.  He needed our help to get out.  This morning he moved his plastic dining chair in front of the bookcase so that he could reach the second shelf.

Samuel put his pants on all (almost) by himself this morning.  He choose his pants fromthe drawer and he refused to give them to me so I had him sit on the floor and told him to put his pants on.  It took him some time but he managed to get his pants on his legs.  I helped him stand up and he was able to pull his pants up to his behind but was unable to pull them up all the way.

We survived the windstorm on Saturday night.  Our terrace furniture also survived but was provided a scenic tour of our backyard.