Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Samuel's first full day at HG

Today(Wednesday) was Samuel's first full day at the HG.  I dropped him off at 0900 and did not pick him up until 1700.  Samuel was his usual state of excitement when we arrived at the HG.  He did not want to stop and take of his jacket and shoes before entering the play area.  I had to hold him back to remove his jacket and shoes and then I said goodbye as he struggled to get out of my arms so he could play.  When I put him down he ran off into the play area without looking back.  When I returned to pick him up he was standing about 6 feet from the door.  As I walked in he saw me and immediately smiled and ran toward the door.  The carer did not even have to call his name as he came as soon as he saw me.  He did very well.  Very happy and played well with others.  No Problems at all for his first day.

Re-commenced my french lessons today with a new instructor.  She drove to the house.  She has a different approach as she is emphasizing grammar and pronunciation where my previous instructor was more inclined to teach about situations.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The good, the bad and the lucky......

Today was an interesting day.

Before and after pictures of Samuel's first haircut today.

Almost killed my cat today.  Molson walked in through the patio door and I noticed that his nose looked bloodied.  When I went to pick him up I discovered that his nose was fine.  It was only covered with a bit of brown shrub branch.  When I picked up Molson I noticed that we had not trimmed his claws for quite awhile.  I proceeded to take him to the couch and trim his nails.  When I released him, Julia noticed that I had blood spots on my shirt.  My first thought was that Molson had cut/scratched himself when he was crawling through the shrub.  Unfortunately this was not the case.  I had trimmed one of his nails too short and it was pumping blood in rather large amounts.  Julia went upstairs and quickly looked up on the internet solutions to a bleeding claw.  The two solutions are: dip the claw in cornstarch or rub it with an ice cube.  Since we did not have cornstarch we tried the ice cube method.  This method did not work and Molson did not enjoy it.  My brilliant wife realized that we had arrowroot, which is a thickener just like cornstarch, so we dipped Molson's claw in the arrowroot and the bleeding stopped almost immediately.

The good(or the ugly) was that Samuel had his first haircut today.  I was asked earlier in the week if he was a "garcon ou femme"(boy or girl) so it was time to cut his curls.  Samuel was cooperative until the first cut.  After the first cut he constantly moved his head, resulting in a few clips that are at odd angles.  The good thing is that his hair grows quickly.  We saved the curls for posterity.

The lucky was the result of the Denver Broncos opener in the NFL.  It was interesting watching an NFL game live while eating French pizza and drinking Irish beer.  I want to be the first to say it.  The Broncos will go undefeated and win the Super Bowl!!!!