Friday, March 12, 2010

Culinary disaster... or how not to make oven fries

In a moment of great hubris, I decided that I would take over making oven fries this evening...  We had decided to have a rare meal of burgers & fries, but I thought I could make crispier and so better (to my taste) fries than Dave.  HAH.  Let it be known that the internet is full of lies.  In my search for how to make the perfect crispy oven fry I googled away, full of trust.  121 positive reviews for a recipe... what could go wrong?!  (As Dave would say... you need a RECIPE to make FRIES????  ... but I digress)

Full of innocent and happy anticipation, I prepare the fries and put them into the oven.  Beautiful potatoes... delicately laid out on a baking sheet, filling the kitchen with mouth-watering smells... until the moment of truth:  time to flip them.

Lesson:  Never put potatoes on aluminum foil.  Unless you want to demonstrate stronger sticking power than superglue.  

These poor potatoes sacrificed themselves for nothing.  A soggy, sticky and partially burnt mess was all that was left.  And Dave and I (and Samuel) went fry-less.  :-(   Never again will I try to make fries.  And the internet... sniff.  My eyes have been opened.  Lies... all lies... !!

31 weeks and counting...

Just completed 31 weeks of pregnancy and so far, so good.  One more week and the twins would only be 'medium premature'... 3 more weeks and they would only be 'small premature' and 5 more weeks... and they are considered almost full term.  In fact the standard in France is to induce at 38 weeks (end of April) if we make it that far - although our doctor would probably be willing to let us go at least another week.

The great news is that the doctor is very pleased with how things are looking right now and believes that as long as I keep taking life relatively easy I may well hit the 38 weeks of pregnancy!  Not quite sure how I will move at all at that point - I already feel like a pregnant beached whale flapping my extremities when trying to get anywhere... - but this would be great for the twins.

We've started sorting out clothes, etc., to get ready for the big day.  Daunting to think that soon we will be a 5-person family (particularly on days when Samuel decides to be more stubborn or excitable than usual!), but equally we're very much looking forward to getting to know our two new sons.