Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More life in Paris.....

 BNB NBNS The weather in Paris has been beautiful for the last week.  Looks as if winter may finally be ending.   To take advantage of the weather Julia and I decided to meet Tuesday evening for a drink at a cafe before getting pizza for dinner.  I picked Samuel up from the day care and went to few stores to look for a specific brand of baby food.  No joy in our search.  I then proceeded to the place du marche to wait for my lovely wife.  My french lessons are starting to pay dividea BH ZXZHd.
Samuel types:  c dg ic 45 Hhhhk v NDM  M M MGEDV eve B c C BC XCA  Svb s b

Samuel has learned to use the backspace and page up buttons.

As I was saying.  My french lessons are starting to pay dividends.  Qu'est-ce que vous avez comme biere pression?  Will come in very handy as we try to meet more for drinks on sunny evenings.

We have realized that even though we live in Paris we have not been living a Parisian lifestyle. Tuesday evening was only the 3rd time we have sat at a cafe and had a drink.  Have yet to have a cafe on a Sunday morning while reading the paper.  Unfortunately Tuesday evening as the sun was setting we noticed that the majority of the other patrons were leaving the outdoor seating. It does get quite cold in Paris this time of year after the sun sets.  It was my fault as I chose a table out of the way because we had Samuel with us but it was located at the cross section of two streets and a strong breeze was blowing up the street towards us.  Samuel was nice and comfy in his new thermal bundle me.

With respect to getting out more Samuel and I went to the Louvre on Wednesday.  Very, very crowded.  Though I did discover that the Palais Royal-Musee de Louvre metro station allows direct access to the musee without having to go outside.  Very convenient for wet, cold days when we need something to do but do not want to go outside.  Samuel saw the Venus de Milo for the first time.  The excursion also emphasized to me how out of shape I am as I had Samuel in the baby bjorn and I was exhausted after having stood or walked with him for just under 2 hours.  Our only respite came on the train trip home as we were able to find a seat.  Upon our return I crashed on the couch and Samuel and I watched his first Star Wars movie.

Something else we are trying to do more now that Samuel has changed his sleep schedule is that Samuel and I will walk Julia to the car in the morning, which is conveniently parked under the place du marche where our outdoor market is held on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings.  We said goodbye to Julia and then we went to the butcher and the produce vendor and then walked home.