Sunday, September 26, 2010

ch, ch, ch, ch, changes....................

Julia and her friend Poonam are enjoying a relaxing 2weekend at a spa near Versailles.  So it is a testosterone filled weekend of baby Einstein dvd's and Dr. Suess books.

All of us have had small colds for the last week.  Saturday morning Julia took Samuel to the pool while I took Benjamin and Nathan to the doctor.  Good news, Benjamin just has a cold with no infection.  Nathan has a slight chest infection so has been put on antibiotics for a week.  We expected this as they have been in the halte garderie for 9 of the last 10 business days.

After Poonam and Julia left I hosted a French/English conversation group at our house.  It consists of an Australian couple, a French couple and us.  We met the Australian couple through message, an English speaking support group in Paris.  Joe and Kylie have three kids.  Lily who is Samuel's age and Emily and Luka who are a few years older.  Sebastain and Kattel have two kids, Joseph, Samuel's age and Katrine, who is 5.  It was sometimes difficult to follow the conversation with the 6 kids have a raucous good time with Samuel's toys.  The conversation group meets every weekend and will help me with my French as I will have people who will not be judgemental if I make a mistake.  It will also be beneficial for Julia to practice her conversational French before she returns to work.

Saturday was the first day that we reduced the number of bottles that we give the boys.  We had been feeding the boys 5 bottles at 0700, 100, 1500, 1700 and 2200.  Starting Saturday they get bottles at 0700, 1130, 1600 and 2000.  We had been putting the boys to bed at around 2230 and they had been sleeping through to 0700.  We actually had to wake them up at 0700 in order to give them their bottles.

Saturday night our garde de nuit, Muriel, watched the boys.  She fed them their bottles at 2000 and put them to sleep in their bouncy seats.  They are sleeping int heir bouncy seats because of their congestion.  Sleeping in an upright positions helps their sinuses to drain.  And......................................they slept through to 0700.  I  know I am probably jinxing us but for at least one night everything is going according to plan.