Friday, May 28, 2010

Great news

When Julia picked up Samuel from the halte garderie (French day care) today they told her that we have been allotted three spots on Wednesdays and Fridays for all 3 boys to attend.  This is good so that I can recommence my french lessons as I still have about 36 hours remaining.

The best part is that we have been granted a floating day every week.  We can call two weeks in advance to schedule this day but it will be subject to availability.  What the floating day means is that we can drop one, two or all three of the boys at the halte garderie for an entire day of care.

Really nice to have so that one week we can drop off the twins and I can spend the day with Samuel, maybe go to farm or the zoo.  While the next week I can drop off Samuel and spend the day with the twins.  If Julia is able to get a day off of work she can spend a day with Samuel or the twins.  Or Julia, Samuel and myself can go to a zoo or a museum.

We will take advantage of these days.  Julia will not return to work until January so on days when the three boys are in HG and I have my lessons she may come into Paris with me and we will have lunch after my lesson and then spend a few hours wandering the streets of Paris, going to a museum or getting an Italian ice near the Jardin du Luxembourg.

We both realize, and have promised each other, that it is important that we spend time with Samuel without the twins.


Monday, May 24, 2010

I feel loved ...part II

Later on Sunday morning.  I was lying on the couch holding the boys while Samuel was playing with his truck on the floor.  Julia was upstairs taking a quick nap.

Suddenly Samuel stands up and points to the ceiling and yells "Mummy, mummy".  There was no noise from upstairs to inspire this comment.

I am the one that got him up, dressed him, went to the boulangerie to buy his croissant, fed him his croissant, gave him his milk and changed his diaper.  And all he wants to do is play with the cat and his mummy.  Yes, I feel loved.

Discalimer-The above is sarcasm.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Il est American!

We had the boys circumcised today.  Our midwife knows a rabbi that makes house calls so we had the procedure done at the house today.  Immediately after the procedure Julia was able to feed and comfort them.

The funny part of the day occurred when the rabbi was leaving.  We were standing by the door receiving last minute instructions with Samuel standing between me and the rabbi.  I gave Samuel the euros to pay the rabbi and he looked at it, gave a wry smile, and tried to run away.  The rabbi said "Il est American."  I hope it was meant as a joke.

We then told Samuel to give the money to the rabbi.  He walked toward the rabbi with the euros in his left hand. Samuel grabbed one 50 euro note with his right hand, handed it to the rabbi, and turned to leave with the remaining euros still in his left hand.

I feel loved..................

When I went upstairs to get Samuel ready for the day he was laying awake in his bed.  I walked into his room and threw out my arms saying it was time to get up and give Papa a morning hug.  Samuel did not move.  I said it again and he did not move.  I proceeded to the armoire to get out his clothes for the day when Molson walked to the entrance to Samuel's room and meowed.  Samuel immediately sat up, crawled out of bed and began chasing Molosn down the hallway, screaming "Ca, Ca ,Ca".  Samuel still does not pronounce his t's.  It left me feeling very loved and appreciated.


We're back......

Sorry for not posting for awhile but life has been rather hectic around here.

We had our first family outing on Friday.  Samuel had to be at HG at 0900 and the boys had a doctors appointment at 1000.  We were only 10 minutes late in leaving the house.  Not bad since it was the first time we had to get all 3 boys out the door at the same time.

Everything is fine with the boys.  Benjamin is 3.45 kilos and 51.5 cm while Nathan is 3.4 kilos and 49.5 cm.  Both are growing at a pleasing rate.  All they do is eat, sleep and poo.  But that is what babies are supposed to do.

I think the boys made a pact in the womb.  During the day they will sleep together on their play mat.  During the  night it is a different story.  While one of them sleeps the other is fussing, not crying, but fussing loud enough to keep us awake.  When we fed them they switch responsibilities so that they are each getting some sleep while we are getting very little.

Samuel is the perfect big brother.  He is constantly hugging and kissing his brothers.  He sits on the couch next to us and holds the bottles while we feed the boys.  When they are done eating Samuel takes their empty bottles into the kitchen and puts them in the sink.  When we feed the boys we take them out of the blanket we keep them wrapped in.  When Samuel sees this he grabs the blanket and brings it to us and lays it on his brother so he stays warm and cozy.  He is also very diligent in keeping his brothers supplied with pacifiers.

The car seats are arranged in the car so that Samuel is facing forward in the middle seat with a brother on either side facing the rear.  When we brought the boys home from the hospital Samuel reached out with one hand on each brother.  It was the sweetest sight.  It was as if he was trying to tell them everything was going to be okay.

Samuel's new favorite words are key, shoe and bad cat.

Weather here has been perfect so today we took all 3 boys out into the backyard.  While Julia and Samuel threw balls at each other I sat on the porch holding the boys.  Quite enjoyable.

I have started 3 blog entries detailing the birth experience and the immediate aftermath but they are quite long and I have still have quite a lot to add.  Keep checking back as I hope to have them posted soon.
