Friday, May 28, 2010

Great news

When Julia picked up Samuel from the halte garderie (French day care) today they told her that we have been allotted three spots on Wednesdays and Fridays for all 3 boys to attend.  This is good so that I can recommence my french lessons as I still have about 36 hours remaining.

The best part is that we have been granted a floating day every week.  We can call two weeks in advance to schedule this day but it will be subject to availability.  What the floating day means is that we can drop one, two or all three of the boys at the halte garderie for an entire day of care.

Really nice to have so that one week we can drop off the twins and I can spend the day with Samuel, maybe go to farm or the zoo.  While the next week I can drop off Samuel and spend the day with the twins.  If Julia is able to get a day off of work she can spend a day with Samuel or the twins.  Or Julia, Samuel and myself can go to a zoo or a museum.

We will take advantage of these days.  Julia will not return to work until January so on days when the three boys are in HG and I have my lessons she may come into Paris with me and we will have lunch after my lesson and then spend a few hours wandering the streets of Paris, going to a museum or getting an Italian ice near the Jardin du Luxembourg.

We both realize, and have promised each other, that it is important that we spend time with Samuel without the twins.


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