Saturday, December 12, 2009

Scan update and other news.....

Here are the newest scan pictures.  The picture on the top is the baby on Julia's right and the lower picture is the baby on Julia's left.

If you are religious, or even if you are not, please pray for Julia.

We had the 4 month scan on Thursday morning.  Good news is that both babies are growing and looking good.  In fact they are currently both far above average in size for twins.  Julia is well and healthy.

Now for the bad news(or good news depending on your point of view.)  The gender of the babies are(is)......................they are both very clearly boys.  We are both very happy that they appear to be healthy and in a good state.  But we have to be honest and admit that we are both disappointed that one of them is not a girl.  I know that I am disapointed as I wanted a little girl to spoil.  The pressure is also off of Samuel.   Once the twins arrive Samuel will no longer be the only son of an only son of an only son of an only son.  We will have three branches to hopefully continue the Charter family tree.

Julia is more worried about having 4 males in the house that may all be Tauruses.  She will be overwhelmed by the testosterone.

Julia and Samuel are visiting Julia's mother in London this weekend and I am spending some much needed alone time in Chatou.  I love my son very dearly but I needed a break.  This morning(Saturday) I woke up at 0800 and did not have to get him up, feed and clothe him.  I was able to go for a run along the very swollen river and enjoy a very peaceful sunrise.  A spiritual experience that was very moving.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I feel the love.....

Picked up Samuel at the HG today.  I rang the bell as Samuel was already standing near the door. He turned, saw me and proceeded to beat on the door with both hands.  I was buzzed through the security door as Samuel was led through the inner door.  I approached him with my arms wide open expecting a great big hug.  Much to my dismay Sameul immediately dropped to all fours and began searching for his shoes under the bench.  Amazingly he was able to identify his shoes among the 6 pairs that remained.  It was even more amazing as his shoes had been moved from where I left them in the morning.

For those of you that care I am receiving my love right now as Samuel is sitting in my arms, refusing to be put on the floor, as I type this.  Of course, it has nothing to do with his love for me, rather it is all about his love for the keyboard(which is just out of his reach.)


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Learning curve

Not Samuel's learning curve.  His is fine and working well.  Mine needs work.

This morning Julia had a work call to make from the house from 0800-0930 so Samuel and I hung around until she was finished so that she could spend a few minutes with Samuel before she left for the office.  Samuel and I usually leave for the city centre and shopping between 0915 & 0930 on Tuesday mornings(weather permitting).  We usually try to leave so early because the shops are not that busy and we are able to return home so that Samuel and I can play(Actually it is more like watching Samuel throw things and me telling him to pick them up then watching him pick them up and throw them down again.) before he eats lunch and goes down for his nap.

Since we got a late start this morning Julia dropped us off at the city centre on her way to work.  After we had finished our shopping I decided that it would be good to go to the boulangerie, I needed the exercise since we did not walk to the city centre, and I thought it would be nice to buy Samuel a croissant since he enjoys them so much on the weekend.  Lesson learned-never give Samuel a croissant to eat while he is in the pushchair.  BIG mistake!  His jacket and the pushchair lining are now waiting to be washed. Croissants are much flakier than baguettes.

Writing this while sitting in the office listening to christmas carols through the mac.  Samuel is dancing to "Grandma got run over by a reindeer."  For those who have not been fortunate enough to hear the song, it is an American classic.

I will address the previous post later.
