Friday, October 24, 2008

I must remember it is all about the relationship

Getting things done in Paris is all about building relationships. All the books say so, so it must be true.

Of course, no one remembers me but they do remember Samuel.  I refer to him as my get out of jail free card as I can say and do just about anything and as long as Samuel is with me my bad behavior will be tolerated.

For the last two days I have gone to our local butcher and the first day I was greeted rather coldly, today I was greeted with a smile.  Of course, it may have helped that I purchased a lot more today.

I have also been shopping at the outdoor market at the Place de Marche and I have been utilizing a single produce vendor.  Today the vendor talked to me in English and I tried to respond in french.  He asked where I was from and he told me he was from Egypt.  He also tried to educate me on how to order produce.  I hope I remember for my next visit.

Guy Fawkes in Paris

We will be able to celebrate Guy Fawkes day this year.  There is an English speaking sports club southwest of Paris that has an annual barbecue and bonfire to celebrate Guy Fawkes day.  They invite members from the message mothers support group that we belong to attend.  We will not only be able to celebrate the day it will also provide us with an opportunity to make new friends.

Preacher update

I was doing laundry on Thursday.  As Samuel and I went out twice during the day it was a day long endeavour to complete the laundry.  

While Julia and I were sitting down for dinner I thought that I had not seen Preacher since early in the morning but since she has a tendency to find a hiding place and not be seen for hours I was not overly concerned.

As I was folding and putting away the final load at 11PM I opened my sock drawer and Preacher came scrambling out.  I almost had a heart attack as this black ball of fur came flying out of my sock drawer without a sound.  I should have known something was wrong when I was fixing dinner as I kept hearing noises from the bedroom which sounded like someone walking on the floor.  Since I saw no one or thing in the bedroom I was convinced that we had a ghost.  Of course, it was Preacher trying to open the sock drawer.  I had to re-arrange my sock drawer this morning as Preacher had scrambled all of my socks into one unrecognizable pile.

Bad cat, very bad cat.