Friday, October 24, 2008

Preacher update

I was doing laundry on Thursday.  As Samuel and I went out twice during the day it was a day long endeavour to complete the laundry.  

While Julia and I were sitting down for dinner I thought that I had not seen Preacher since early in the morning but since she has a tendency to find a hiding place and not be seen for hours I was not overly concerned.

As I was folding and putting away the final load at 11PM I opened my sock drawer and Preacher came scrambling out.  I almost had a heart attack as this black ball of fur came flying out of my sock drawer without a sound.  I should have known something was wrong when I was fixing dinner as I kept hearing noises from the bedroom which sounded like someone walking on the floor.  Since I saw no one or thing in the bedroom I was convinced that we had a ghost.  Of course, it was Preacher trying to open the sock drawer.  I had to re-arrange my sock drawer this morning as Preacher had scrambled all of my socks into one unrecognizable pile.

Bad cat, very bad cat.

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