Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Update from Denver

Greetings from the mile high city where it is a sunny and warm 72f.

The flights over were uneventful except that the bag with my clothes never made it to Cincinnati(connection) where I had to clear customs. The bag did finally arrive about 18 hours after I did. This trip was a good trial run for when I return in 3 weeks with Samuel. The connection in Cincinnati, 70 minutes, will be difficult with him as we will have to clear immigration and customs. Where we be near the end of the line as we will have to wait at the gate for his pushchair which will be gate checked, or(I just had this thought) I can check it and retrieve it at baggage claim. I will have to check into that possibility also. I am unsure of airline policy if I miss the connecting flight due to delays at immigrations or customs. Will have to research this before we leave.

Have had a good time in Denver, especially enjoying the food. So far we have been to Caldonia's for BBQ, had a deep dish Chicago style pizza, very good Mexican with margarita and I have been to my favorite sandwich shoppe for a BLT. It is not that I prefer American food but it is nice to have a change of pace every once in a while. There are certain type of food that just are not available in Paris. Tonight we are going to a steak house where I will have a huge cut of prime rib.

Have been skyping with Julia and Samuel every day. It is nice to see him on skype and see his reactions to me on the computer but I miss him(and Julia) terribly.



Sunday, March 1, 2009

More Samuel photos

To give you an idea of what a day in the life of Samuel is like, you first have to think of the cats.  They are one of Samuel's favorite toys... if he ever manages to catch them.  In the meantime, he chases them around the apartment.

Molson (a.k.a. Miracle Cat, as he is still going strong, despite nearly dying from cancer 18 months ago) generally takes refuge on the bed.  This will work until Samuel can climb up there...  
Samuel goes swimming on Saturdays.  He is getting very fond of splashing water everywhere and has started to move his arms around in the water.  He really enjoys this.
He usually takes at least a couple of naps, even if only brief ones, during the day.  This is him after Saturday's swimming session - he was quite tired!
Dave is currently in Denver visiting his family.  Samuel misses him - when I showed him a picture of Dave he immediately had a big smile and put his hand right on Dave's face and started to make a sound like 'babababa' or 'dadadada'  (unfortunately not 'Papa' though!).  In this picture you can see Samuel sitting on his foam mat in the living room surrounded by a few of his toys - this is where he spends a lot of the day.
Every other day or so he gets a bath.  Great fun!
Particularly because he gets to splash away!  He loves bath time.  We tend to get a bit wet.
At the end of the day, it's time for bed.  Would you like a hug?
Today, we went to the Bois de Boulogne for a nice long walk.  We tried to feed the ducks, but by the time we reached the lake, Samuel had fallen asleep.
When we came back though it was time to skype Papa in Denver - yippee!  (or as Samuel would say 'Aggaaaaaaahh!'