Saturday, January 23, 2010

The power of massage.

Last night, Friday, Julia received one of her two weekly massages.  We always try to give Julia a massage on either Friday or Saturday night so that Julia can take full advantage and sleep late the next morning.

Last night Samuel fell out of his crib at 0130.  When I went to get him, Julia was asleep snoring.  When I returned 5 minutes later, Julia was still asleep snoring. Must have been a very good massage to sleep through Samuel screaming.

When I walked into Samuel's room after he fell out of his crib he was on his knees trying to crawl back into his crib.  It hopefully won't be long until he learns that he can get in and out of his crib whenever he wants.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Samuel sleep update

Tuesday night Samuel fell out of his crib twice.  The first time I went to him.  By the time I got to him he had calmed down and was almost asleep.  I helped him up and assisted him in crawling back into the crib and he went to sleep immediately.  He fell out again around 0545 and Julia was the first to get to him.  He had crawled/rolled off the blanket that we have placed on the floor to cushion his falls.  Apparently it was not until he rolled off the blanket that he began to cry.

Wednesday night and so far during his Thursday afternoon nap he has not rolled out of the crib.

Now, if we could get him to eat his morsels, life would be good.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Samuel update-part II

Woke up Samuel this morning a few minutes after 0800.  When I walked into his room he was asleep but he woke up when I opened his shade.  He was reluctant to get out of his crib on his own.  I sat on the floor in front of the crib opening with my arms open saying "Vien a Papa".(Come to Papa)

Samuel then stood up and walked toward the opening, placing one hand on each upright to balance himself.  He then proceeded to step out of the crib.  This would have been a positive development if he had not been wearing a sleepsack.  For those of you that do not know a sleepsack is like a potato sack with neck and arm holes that fully envelopes his legs and feet.  He tripped and I caught him.  Will have to teach him to scoot out of the crib on his belly.

Samuel update

Samuel fell out only once last night.  It was early, just before we were going to bed.  I walked into his room and he was sitting on the floor with his bedtime toy, the inchworm, laying on the ground next to him.  I picked him up, hugged him and told him that everything was okay.  I then explained to him again why we took the piece of his crib out.  He is a big boy now and we trust him to be able to get out of his crib on his own.  I don't think he believed me.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Samuel and his first Broncos game

For those of you that do not know I am a tried and true Denver Broncos (American football) fan.  They will be playing a game of football in London's Wembley stadium.  October 31st is the date.  Samuel and I plan on attending.  It is a bit early for Samuel to attend a game but with the twins on the way we are unsure of when we be able to return to Denver so we plan on taking advantage of them playing only a 6 hour drive away.

The only thing that would make the weekend even better would be if Chelsea has a home match at Stamford Bridge the Saturday before. The Chelsea schedule will not be published until the sumer so we will just have to wait and see.

New restaurant-addendum

Long day-forgot something about the restaurant.  It is typically French in that our meal lasted 2 hours.  As we were trying to leave a women who we thought was a server came over to us and started to talk to Julia. She introduced herself as the wife of the owner, who had been our server, and asked us how everything was and how Julia was doing with the pregnancy.  turns out that they have owned the restaurant for about 18 months and they have 2 kids, 2 & 4.   The kids were sleeping in the back as they cannot afford a babysitter while working the long hours that they do.  Very nice couple,  He speaks some English.  The evening reinforced to me again not to be too quick to judge as both Julia and I had assumed that the women who greeted us and showed us to our table was the owner as she was older(50ish) and seemed to be in charge.  When it turns out that the younger couple who were working as the servers are actually the owners.

Samuel is asleep in his crib with the opening.  I put him to bed and went downstairs to give Julia a massage fully expecting to hear a clunk followed by screaming but it has been quiet.  After the lack of nap this afternoon Samuel should sleep through the night unless he falls out.

New restaurant

Saturday night we were able to have a date night. Through our typical blind luck, our sage femme (midwife) lives less than a kilometer from us and she has 3 daughters who are of babysitter age.  Best aspect of this is that we do not have to drive to pick up or take home a babysitter.

We finally were able to go to a local restaurant that we had heard good things about.  Normally a 15 minute walk we drove due to Julia not being able to walk far.  The restaurant is located in a strip mall(an American concept?) that runs parallel to the main road entering Chatou across the Seine river bridge.

A small place, maybe 40 chairs, with an understated decor but excellent food at very good prices.  A 3 course meal is only 30 euros.  Julia had the pave with bernaise sauce and I had duck with pineapple.  Excellent, we will definitely return.  It is our new restaurant to take visitors.

It was a fun evening  Julia and I actually had a conversation that lasted for 20 minutes before we mentioned either Samuel or the twins.  That had not happened since August.

Friendly Samuel

Forgot to post this when it happened.

One day last week Samuel and I were returning from a shopping trip to the city centre.  Samuel is not as enthusiastic about riding in the stroller as he once was.  I try to accommodate him when we return home by stopping at the corner and allowing him to walk home the final 100 meters.  When we did this last week we walked around the corner and one of our neighbors, Nadya, was outside her house saying goodbye to a visitor.  Samuel, who had not sen her since Halloween(October 31st) enthusiastically ran to her with his arms wide open and practically jumped into her arms.  Nadya and I then had a conversation which was 2/3 French and 1/3 English.  I may actually be conversant before we leave.

We are both very happy that Samuel is so very friendly and not the least bit scared to approach strangers or people that he does not know well.  Neither of us have a clue how to teach him to be wary of strangers without reducing his infectious attitude toward meeting new people.  Still trying to find the book with all the answers about being a great parent.

Big weekend for Samuel

Our little boy is growing up.

Tomorrow(Sunday) we are going to take a section out of his crib so that Samuel will be able to get out of the crib if  he so pleases.  He should be fine for his nighttime sleeping as he seldom wakes up in the night.  It will be interesting to see what happens during his daytime naps as he is usually awake for two of his naptimes during the week.  He is n ot usually loud or screaming.  We just hear him playing with his inch worm or his musical aquarium.

Well everything is now a day behind.  Julia had an OB appointment in Le Vesinet on Saturday morning and afterwards we stopped at the official swine flu vaccination center so that I could get my shot, Julia and Samuel had received theirs over a month ago(french bureaucracy would not allow me to get my shot at the same time or place as it was designated only for infants and pregnant woman).  Normally I would not have received the shot but because Julia is pregnant we thought it best that I receive the shot.  Especially since most hospitals are limiting visits in the maternity wards to fathers only and some even require that fathers wear masks.  We did not want my not having received the shot to be an issue when it is time for the twins to arrive.

Unfortunately I reacted badly to the shot and spent most of Sunday in bed.  We were also supposed to go on Sunday and pick up Samuel's first bed.  That trip has been postponed a week.

Well, Samuel just had his first nap in this crib with an opening.  Did not go well.  The positive aspect is that he did not fall out.  The negative is that he spent most of his nap crying and screaming(sometimes quite loudly).  He was awake when I finally went to get him at 1515.  He was awake sitting in his crib.  I had him crawl out on his own so that he learns that he can get out and not have to wait for me to come and get him