Monday, January 18, 2010

New restaurant-addendum

Long day-forgot something about the restaurant.  It is typically French in that our meal lasted 2 hours.  As we were trying to leave a women who we thought was a server came over to us and started to talk to Julia. She introduced herself as the wife of the owner, who had been our server, and asked us how everything was and how Julia was doing with the pregnancy.  turns out that they have owned the restaurant for about 18 months and they have 2 kids, 2 & 4.   The kids were sleeping in the back as they cannot afford a babysitter while working the long hours that they do.  Very nice couple,  He speaks some English.  The evening reinforced to me again not to be too quick to judge as both Julia and I had assumed that the women who greeted us and showed us to our table was the owner as she was older(50ish) and seemed to be in charge.  When it turns out that the younger couple who were working as the servers are actually the owners.

Samuel is asleep in his crib with the opening.  I put him to bed and went downstairs to give Julia a massage fully expecting to hear a clunk followed by screaming but it has been quiet.  After the lack of nap this afternoon Samuel should sleep through the night unless he falls out.

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