Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Officially at beached pregnant whale status

I went into a local Italian deli yesterday and realized I am now officially at beached pregnant whale status. It had been a few weeks since I had been in there - since I don't get out that much these days! - but the nice woman who runs the shop took one look at me and said 'They still haven't come??'  I'm not even at 33 weeks yet!!!  When I told her that, she pointed out that yes, well, of course it was twins, which would explain why I was so enormous.......  Sniff.  Even our cleaning lady pointed out that I grow exponentially every week (and that was before she saw me flapping my arms trying to sit up on the sofa).  I am very happy that the babies are healthy and growing well... at the same time, my belly has taken over my body.  I think I still have feet, but I'll get back to you on that in a couple of months....

Latest scan update

The twins now weigh 4.5 - 5lbs each!  Just had the latest scan yesterday and all is well.  Bo (on my left and the first one that will come out) still has his head down and is a little bit longer and skinnier than Go.  Unfortunately we couldn't get any good pictures of them because they are so squeezed in together.  Bo has his face right up against the membrane separating him from his brother's buttocks :-)  and Go has his face turned firmly inwards, with Bo's feet resting on his head.  Both the boys seem to be in very good shape... I thought Samuel was active when I was pregnant with him, but these days I can look down and see my entire belly moving dramatically!

Nearly at 33 weeks.  From all the various medical opinions, it looks like we have a good shot of waiting until end April / early May before giving birth, which will be great for the babies.

Samuel's new bed

On Monday morning Julia took Samuel to the toddler playgroup so that I could have a few hours without Samuel "helping me" so that I could put Samuel's new bed together.  The linen is a jungle motif to match the walls and curtains.  What we like about this bed is that it can be expanded.  The goal is that as Samuel grows the bed can either be turned into bunk beds or it can be built up with a play area under the bed.  This may be important depending on the size of the house we are able to afford when we move.