Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Officially at beached pregnant whale status

I went into a local Italian deli yesterday and realized I am now officially at beached pregnant whale status. It had been a few weeks since I had been in there - since I don't get out that much these days! - but the nice woman who runs the shop took one look at me and said 'They still haven't come??'  I'm not even at 33 weeks yet!!!  When I told her that, she pointed out that yes, well, of course it was twins, which would explain why I was so enormous.......  Sniff.  Even our cleaning lady pointed out that I grow exponentially every week (and that was before she saw me flapping my arms trying to sit up on the sofa).  I am very happy that the babies are healthy and growing well... at the same time, my belly has taken over my body.  I think I still have feet, but I'll get back to you on that in a couple of months....

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