Sunday, May 23, 2010

We're back......

Sorry for not posting for awhile but life has been rather hectic around here.

We had our first family outing on Friday.  Samuel had to be at HG at 0900 and the boys had a doctors appointment at 1000.  We were only 10 minutes late in leaving the house.  Not bad since it was the first time we had to get all 3 boys out the door at the same time.

Everything is fine with the boys.  Benjamin is 3.45 kilos and 51.5 cm while Nathan is 3.4 kilos and 49.5 cm.  Both are growing at a pleasing rate.  All they do is eat, sleep and poo.  But that is what babies are supposed to do.

I think the boys made a pact in the womb.  During the day they will sleep together on their play mat.  During the  night it is a different story.  While one of them sleeps the other is fussing, not crying, but fussing loud enough to keep us awake.  When we fed them they switch responsibilities so that they are each getting some sleep while we are getting very little.

Samuel is the perfect big brother.  He is constantly hugging and kissing his brothers.  He sits on the couch next to us and holds the bottles while we feed the boys.  When they are done eating Samuel takes their empty bottles into the kitchen and puts them in the sink.  When we feed the boys we take them out of the blanket we keep them wrapped in.  When Samuel sees this he grabs the blanket and brings it to us and lays it on his brother so he stays warm and cozy.  He is also very diligent in keeping his brothers supplied with pacifiers.

The car seats are arranged in the car so that Samuel is facing forward in the middle seat with a brother on either side facing the rear.  When we brought the boys home from the hospital Samuel reached out with one hand on each brother.  It was the sweetest sight.  It was as if he was trying to tell them everything was going to be okay.

Samuel's new favorite words are key, shoe and bad cat.

Weather here has been perfect so today we took all 3 boys out into the backyard.  While Julia and Samuel threw balls at each other I sat on the porch holding the boys.  Quite enjoyable.

I have started 3 blog entries detailing the birth experience and the immediate aftermath but they are quite long and I have still have quite a lot to add.  Keep checking back as I hope to have them posted soon.


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