Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Twins one year doctor appointment

I will deny this if ever questioned but I miss the French medical system.

Took the boys in for their one year check-ups today.  Everything is fine.  The boys are healthy and growing.

Called the doctor a few weeks ago to set the appointment. They called last week to reschedule because the doctor we wanted to see was going out of town.  Then they called Saturday to say that the appointment that was rescheduled to 1000 needed to be changed to 1100 due to the doctor having to do rounds at the hospital to cover the doctor going out of town.  In France there are no gatekeepers.  You call the doctor office and, lo and behold, the doctor answers the phone and schedules their own appointments.

We arrived at the office 5 minutes early for our 1100 appointment.  No one in the waiting room.  Still took 15 minutes before we were escorted to the exam room.  The exam room was very cold.  It was cloudy and rainy outside with a temperature in the mid 60's but the AC was on in the doctor office.  Can't you just open a window?

The nurse, of course, no sign of doctor yet, weighed and measured the boys.  Benjamin is 24 lbs 10 ozs and 29.5 inches,  Nathan 22 lbs 8 ozs. and 29.75 inches. We then returned to the very cold room with the twins, wearing only diapers at his point, to await the grand and glorious appearance of the doctor. After waiting for 10 minutes the nurse came in and told us the doctor would be right with us.  Fifteen minutes passed and the doctor burst through the door.

All I will say about the doctor is that she wrote our take home instructions on a paper towel and seemed baffled by Benjamin's simple diaper rash.  She tried to convince us that it was psoriasis or a yeast infection.  It was as if she had never seen a diaper rash before.

Needless to say, our search for a good pediatrician starts anew.