Friday, August 15, 2008

Samuel hates me?

We had a nice relaxing day today. We watched the summer olympics (thanks to slingbox and my sister and brother-in-law) and we did not have to watch the french coverage of the epee competition.

We sat around, caught up on e-mail and relaxed after a stressful week. Late in the afternoon we took the metro to Neuilly where we took Samuel for a walk in the bois de boulogne. We found a nice playground for smaller children, that is outside the jardin de acclimititasion(sp) and it is free.

We then drove back to the temp place(as we had left the car at Madrid yesterday).
When we returned it was after 1900 and Julia fed Samuel and then she went into the kitchen to cook dinner and left Samuel with me. No sooner had she left the room then Samuel started to cry. I tried every trick I know to get him to calm down and none of them worked. I thought he may have still been hungry so Julia came back into the room and tried to feed him. As soon as she sat down he stopped crying and started smiling. She tried to feed him but he would not latch. She gave him back and returned to the kitchen. Whereupon Samuel commenced crying. I took Samuel into the kitchen where as soon as he saw Julia, he stopped crying. I turned him away so that he could not see Julia and he started to cry. Our final solution was to place him in the bouncy seat in the kitchen so that he could see Julia and I am sitting on the couch in the dark feeling very sorry for myself.

Tomorrow is a big day as we are going to Ikea to look for tables, chairs, and bathroom and kitchen stuff. We plan on being there for 4-5 hours.

We are also welcoming our first visitors in Paris as Julia's friends from Cambridge will be driving through Paris on a return trip to London. Julian and Lucy and their kids(those of you who attended may remember Saffiya as the very cute young girl who liked to blow bubbles). They will meet us at Madrid and be the first to see our new home. Unfortunately we will have to dine out as we do not have a stove yet as that is one of the items that needed to be returned when delivered yesterday.

Also, apologies for the very sloppy writing in yesterdays post. I did not realize how tired I must have been until I read that rambling piece of......


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