Friday, September 12, 2008

Another good day

Samuel and I had a good day today.

We took a trip to the covered market this morning. This was our first solo trip to the market.
Discovered that all of the vendors speak some English.  It was interesting as a fish monger said that he would prefer to speak English as he was learning and I told him the same in french.  For the most part the vendors spoke English slightly more than half the time and I spoke french about 80%.    I think I ordered everything correctly.  Julia will tell me when she gets home if I bought the wrong item(s).

After lunch Samuel and I took the metro to the quatre temps mall at la defense.  A intimidatingly large mall.  We were able to find almost everything we were looking for.  Most importantly we found a space heater for Samuel's room( as the temperature is supposed to be in single digits(c) this weekend and we do not know when our shared heat will be turned on.  We were also able to find the Leonidas and pick up some good Belgian chocolate.  Julia and I usually have 1 piece after diner each evening.  Unfortunately I was unable to find a book.  I was unable to find a book by an author that I am familiar with.  I think it will help me greatly with my french learning curve to read french but I also think it would be best if i read an author with whom i am familiar.  Discovered this morning that teenagers are the same throughout the world.  As we were returning from the market(Samuel was in his stroller) and walking down the avenue Longchamp, there is apparently a high school on this street.  I figured this out as about 1000 the sidewalks and the street were completely blocked by teenagers.  Cars were honking hoping to be able to navigate the street. I was shouting, Pardon!!, some of them moved but some did not.  I was forced to run into a few ankles with the stroller to get the space to move through.  Reminded me of the neighborhood where I lived in Kentucky.  I was across the street from a high school and every  morning the kids stood and walked in the middle of the street and refused to move out of the way of the cars.

Good news, we have heard from the agent at our new apartment and they had difficulties when they attempted to clean the walls.  Because of this they are going to paint the walls and this means that we may not be able to move in on October 1st.  But we are encouraged that they are willing to do what is necessary to make the apartment livable and that they are also communicating with us about the details.

We still have yet to hear anything from the current management company concerning our impending move.

Weather depending we will go out this weekend and reconnoiter the neighborhood of our new apartment.  It will not be as easy living as the market, boulangeries are not as close or as numerous.  But there is a monoprix (large grocer) directly across the street and they do deliver.
Will post ore after we have seen exactly what we have available to us.

Samuel is scaring me.  As I have been typing this he has rolled/scooted more than 6 feet and rolled over.  Appears that we will have to keep our eyes on him at all times.  Wonder what will happen when he actually starts to crawl.


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