Tuesday, September 23, 2008


We signed the lease for the new apartment last night.  We will do the walk through inspection the morning of the 30th and move in beginning on the 1st.  Our sea shipment will be delivered on the 2nd and 3rd.  Looking forward to seeing our stuff again.

Julia left for Geneva early this AM(7 AM flight) and she will not return until early evening on Wednesday.  It is her first night away from Samuel since he was born and it is my first evening alone with Samuel.  The only one that is not said or worries(so far) is Samuel.  He is our rock as nothing seems to faze him.  The other day i was carrying him and as I walked into the living room, through the double doors, he threw out his right arm and it banged against the door. He looked at me for a second, cried for about two and then he returned to normal.  We would write a book about how to raise a perfect child but we have no idea how we have been so lucky(so far!)

An interesting side note on our current apartment.  Julia received a message today from the management company and they said that they had no idea what was going on and that this was the first they had heard of any issues that we have with the apartment.  Their representative wants to visit on Thursday evening to examine our complaints.  Considering that we just signed the new lease yesterday their timing is exquisite.

We spent Saturday afternoon reconnoitering our new neighborhood.  Their is a covered market very close, with many food stalls and many small merchants such as tailors, upholsterers and small kitchen stuff.  We discovered that most of the places we will need to utilize are on the opposite side of the avenue.  Which is good as there should be less pedestrian traffic on our sidewalk but we have to cross one of the busiest streets in Europe to access the businesses.  We checked out the Monoprix (across the street) and it is a large store. It not only has food but also a large health/pharmacy and clothing for men, women and children.  We actually purchased Samuel's first pair of mittens while we were there.

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