Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good day and bad day......

Apologies for not posting updates of our daily activity.  Will try to be more diligent in the future.

Samuel and I went shopping this morning.  first to Monoprix where we were able to find evaporated milk for making pumpkin pies for American Thanksgiving.  Had the usual incidents of people being rude.  I have developed a retort which i hope is keeping me sane.  When someone does something terribly rude;this morning Samuel and I were standing in front of the butter section and a woman came up and stood directly in front of us, so close that the back of her head was in Samuel's face.  She did not immediately take anything off the shelf and move on.  She stood in front of us for at least 15 seconds.  When something like this happens I tell Samuel not to worry he will not grow up to be a Parisian.  I say it loud enough for the person to hear me.  Unfortunately, I have to say it English.  Hopefully, soon I will be able to say it in French.

I know it is immature to do what I do but I need to let the frustration out and pushing people would just end up with Samuel and I in jail.  I do feel better for having vented.

The rest of the morning was very good.  We were out for only 45 minutes and we went to Monoprix the Carreau(an indoor covered market) and the florist.  We were able to do all this and be out less than 45 minutes.

I was assertive at the Carreau:something I usually am not when dealing with the French, when the vendor started to give me small potatoes when I had asked for 'plus grande". We need plus grande as we are attending the American Church's multicultural couples Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and we have volunteered to bring mashed potatoes and .........drum roll ...................... Jello Salad.  Yes!!!!!!!!

Samuel is hungry.  Time for apple.  Papa will also have to change his shirt.

Will post more later today.



1 comment:

  1. Isn't it maddening when someone stands in front of you like that? My roommate and I got chewed out once in McDo in Nantes - a woman did the same thing to us, so we got back out of line and wedged ourselves in between her and the person in front of her. I was waiting to get punched, but she only had the nerve to tell us how rude we were (how dare we take back our place in line?!) Hee hee. Note: I do not recommend this, especially not to anyone holding a baby! I am not encouraging you! =D Samantha
