Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chelsea and boxing day

Finally attended my first Chelsea match at Stamford Bridge. The blues have played at home for the last 5 years but this was the first year I purchased tickets as in the past when we have been in London we have spent boxing day with Julia's family.

The trip to the bridge from Julia's mothers is a short 10 minute bus ride. The bus drops us off right in front of the bridge. A beautiful facade of brick which blends into the neighborhood quite well. Major difference between London stadiums and US stadiums is the complete absence of parking. In the US, stadiums, be they in urban or suburban areas, are huge behemoths surrounded by acres of parking lots. At least at Stamford Bridge the surrounding area is a typical southwest London neighborhood. Homes, businesses and pubs. Yes, there are many fine pubs near the bridge. We quaffed a few pints at a quaint Irish pub on the Fulham road called Brogan's. We did not arrive in time to have an early lunch, something that will be rectified with my next visit. Chelsea were matched against West Bromwich Albion, a village near Birmingham. It was interesting to hear the variety of accents in the streets. It was as hard to translate as if I was on a street in Paris.

Chelsea won the match 2-0. It should have 6 or 7 but Chelsea, as is their habit this year, had difficulties with their final touch in front of the net. I had forgotten how beautiful the beautiful game is as is this was my first live football match since seeing the US v Mexico in a world cup qualifier in Columbus, Ohio. In which the US won 2-0 thus securing a spot for Germany '06.

Since we were unable to eat at the pub I tried to order fish and wedges but they had sold out so I had to settle for a hamburger. Much to my chagrin, I discovered with my second bite that the burger was laced with mayonnaise. Definitely an acquired taste, much like Christmas pudding and cake which are truly gastronomic nightmares. The only negative for the day; we discovered after purchasing our beers at halftime that we were not allowed to take alcohol into the stands. Needless to say the beer was downed quickly as we returned to the stands just in time for the start of a Chelsea dominated second half.

Leaving the bridge after the game the sight was akin to the start of a major road running race. The street was a mass of humanity sweeping us along. For a least a kilometer the Fulham road was shut to traffic as the crowd slowly dispersed down the side streets. We walked all the way back to Julia's mothers place in Chelsea. A short 15-20 minute walk along the Fulham road.

All in all a very good day in southwest London.


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You're obviously not in the USA since your card came back from whence it was sent and yet another arrived from France. Yes, France that country previously known as an ally of the United States. I don't have your email, do you have mine? I guess we shouldn't put it in the public domain here. I hope young Charter does get to learn English (American style) in some fashion. Did you see the news out of Broncoland today? Amazing.

