Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Samuel Update and other interesting stuff

Saw the pediatrician last night.

By the numbers: 8.3kg, 73.8 cm

Roughly, 18 1/3 lbs, 29 inches.  He is about 25th % in weight and just above 50th in length. The doctor is not too worried about his weight especially considering he has been sick for 5 days.  He is concerned that he is not eating solids yet.  We had hoped to start solids last week but with Samuel being sick we thought it was best to wait until he recovered.

P & G has come through for us again.  I was struggling with learning french at Berlitz.  Most of the instructors are women over 50 who seem to be a protected class in France.  They are the ones that are most likely to cross the street against the light and to cut lines at markets. For whatever reason I have been unable to connect and learn from them.  Berlitz does have one male instructor who has taught me a lot but they will not guarantee that he will available for all my sessions. Thus, we went to P & G and they have agreed to transfer the remaining 117.5 (Did not know that I had that many hours of lessons authorized.  If I do not know how to speak conversational French at the end of this then I have no excuse) hours to a women who will come to the apartment.  She also likes to take the lessons out of the apartment.  So we will go to the market, the park or a museum, which will make the lesson seem less like learning and more like having a conversation with a friend which is what I had with the one male instructor at Berlitz.

Have to love the French medical system.  I am 48 years old and just had my first house visit from a doctor. It was quite surreal.  He did have the coldest hands of any doctor I have ever met.  Good couchside manner.

Samuel is developing his own language.  He says "ataa" quite a lot.  When we say it back to him, he breaks out in the widest grin.  Don't know what it means but it definitely has significance to him.

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