Saturday, January 3, 2009

Samuel update

While we were in London Samuel made tremendous progress in many areas.

No teeth, yet.  As we have been saying for more than a month:any day now.

Samuel has learned to sit up.  He is unable to get into a sitting position on his own, not for lack of trying, but if we place him in a sitting position he will stay upright.  In fact, he will reach for items to his side or in front of him, grab them, and return to a sitting position.

Samuel has also begun to stand with very little assistance.  Again, he is unable to stand of his own accord but if we place him on his feet he is very happy to stand there swaying slowly in the breeze.  We have to place a very, very slight touch on him to prevent him from falling over but very very little is needed.

Samuel will sit up if he is placed laying on his back on a lap.  If you place your fingers in his hands and tell him to sit-up;he will.  With very little assistance being provided by your hands.

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