Thursday, February 26, 2009

The good and bad of Samuel standing up.......

Last night we were sitting on the couch.  I was watching Chelsea v Juventus in the champions league while Julia was on her laptop comparing prices on baby items.  Samuel was on the floor pulling the DVD and CD's out of their storage racks, playing with his blocks and being exceptionally cute.

At one point he crawled over to the foot stool for the rocking chair and proceeded to pull himself up to a standing position.  This was the first time that he had done this without assistance.  What made this even more amazing is that he was dressed in a sleep sack which is a sack that envelops his feet .  Once we saw him standing we proceeded to tell him good job and clapped to encourage him.  Unfortunately we think we startled him as he loosened his grip on the foot stool and immediately fell backwards onto the hardwood floor.  He almost did a complete flip but his legs did not go completely over his head. 

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