Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Samuel is the best baby flyer ever"

That is the quote from a flight attendant on our Atlanta to Paris leg of our return trip.  Samuel slept almost all of the trip home.  

Our flight from Denver to Atlanta was delayed 90 minutes(There was a blizzard in Denver, more on that in a later update).  Luckily we had received an upgrade and were seated in business. Unfortunately the air was not circulating and Samuel was getting very hot and very fussy.  We were getting a few dirty looks asking what is a crying baby dong in business class? Luckily as soon as the plane took off Samuel fell asleep and he slept through the landing and even the debarking of the plane.

The Atlanta to Paris leg was delayed for an hour but Samuel was fine in the terminal.  We were not fortunate enough to get an upgrade this segment but we did receive a seat change to a bulkhead aisle seat.  Samuel fussed a little during the boarding and for a few minutes after take-off but he fell asleep soon after takeoff and slept for about 3 hours.  He then woke with a full diaper and an empty stomach.  Both problems were quickly remedied and we we returned to our seat where Samuel promptly went to sleep and slept for the remainder of the flight. Thought I had my dream seat mates when an elderly couple(grandparent types) sat next to me but one of the firs things the woman said was that they had no children but she would be willing to hold Samuel if I needed help.

When departing the plane many comments were overheard.  The best was a person seated behind me who said that she was not aware that there was even a baby on board.

The only negative with Samuel sleeping so much is that I was unable to eat as I did not wish to disturb him and was unable to pull out the tray without doing so.  But Julia had a traditional french lunch available for me upon my return, so all is good.

Next update-Blizzard, whiteout and 18 inches of snow with a rental car!!!


1 comment:

  1. I haven't been on in a while. Just a few comments:

    #1 The pantleg picture made me laugh out loud. I'm pretty sure I've done that too - infants' legs just want to go in one pantleg, and they do fit, so...

    #2 If Samuel doesn't have separation anxiety, you're doing something right.

    #3 I'm so glad to hear that Molson is doing well. He was pitiful when you left, and he looks very healthy.

    #4 Coming to Paris with students in June, so if there's anything you want (Red Vines? Pre-cooked bacon?) let me know and I'd be happy to ferry it over.
