Sunday, May 17, 2009

First family trip to the emergency room

The trip was not for Samuel.  It was not for Julia.  Unfortunately it was for me. Edited-not too mean that it wold be fortunate if Samuel or Julia had to go to the emergency room.  I do have a concussion, so forgive me.

This morning(sunday) we were sitting on the couch at 0830 when Julia moved toward the bedroom to return to bed since she had been up early to feed and care for Samuel.  Samuel was on the floor.  I went to follow her to the bedroom to change so that Samuel and I could do our Sunday morning shopping.  Unfortunately as I began to step over Samuel he moved(he is surprisingly fast and getting faster) so I lengthened my step which led me to step onto Samuel's bouncy seat.  The bouncy seat moved and I subsequently lost my balance and fell forward.  My first thought was to avoid falling on Samuel and my head eventually ending up meeting the edge of our living room table. A large gash of about 2 inches was opened and bleeding profusely as Julia came running back into the room.  I asked for help and she went into the kitchen and returned with a paper towel(even if it had been a bounty towel it would not have been absorbent enough to soak up all the blood).  Julia then returned with a towel and I got myself to the couch and laid down while Julia called the emergency number.

The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes.  I was shocked when a 4 person crew walked into the apartment.  The 2 male members of the crew appeared to be about 13 years of age.  These 2 youngsters did all of the talking and the triage as the two older, female members were clearly supervising.

The good news is that in the end no stitches were necessary as the gash was perfectly straight and the doctor was able to glue it shut and I should be scar free in about 2 weeks.

Julia received a great deal of sympathy in the waiting room as apparently Samuel had a great deal of energy and some people also waiting commented on how active he was.

One positive was that I was able to understand about half of the questions that I was asked.  I also added to my growing vocabulary with the french words for nausea, consciousness and dizzy.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your accident. Hope the headache is bearable and you'll recover soon. You should be pleased to have learned that your instincts have worked properly in trying to kill yourself whilst protecting your offspring:-) Speedy recovery. Astrid
