Friday, May 15, 2009

House search update-Friday 15 May

We are looking at  2 more houses this afternoon at 1400.  Both look nice but they both have issues.  The nicest one(from its listing) is very expensive, but huge(260 m squared).  based on what we have read and heard it is our first choice but only if the owners are negotiable on the price.  We are holding out hope that because we are anglo ex-pats that they will be willing to take a lower price with the knowledge that we will take very good care of the house and be good tenants.  We have been given an ultimatum by the owners of the first house we looked at the other day(the only one which we have an interest in renting).  They did want an answer by Thursday evening but we have asked to meet the owners this afternoon(after we look at the other houses) where we expect them to request that we either accept or refuse their lease offer before we leave.  The biggest worry about this house s that there is a small, shallow pond in the backyard and Julia is especially worried about Samuel falling into the water.

It is official(for I think the 4th time).  We ned to move out of Paris and into the burbs. Went to the market this morning with Samuel in the baby bjorn.  The aisles at the market are relatively narrow. When I neared a group of women that were blocking the aisle(one with her elbow on her hip) I said, loudly and sarcastically, Pardon, and they did not move, I said it again and still no movement.  I wrapped my arms around Samuel and lowered my shoulder and pushed my way past them.

I am not happy with my reaction.  I never like it when I lower myself to the standards(?) of others.  I hate what I have allowed this city to do to me.  It has allowed parts of my character that I thought were buried to reach the surface and I am not proud of that fact.

Little things that we noticed when we in the burbs the other day.  The tables at the restaurants are not as close together.  When we weer leaving one house a women was walking down the side street with a baby in a pushchair. When she got close to our car, we ceased trying to get Samuel into his car seat and closed the door so that she would have enough room to pass. She passed and said "Merci"  something that I have not experienced on the street of Neuilly.  Did I mention that we could actually hear birds singing.


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