Monday, July 6, 2009

New pictures and update


Samuel dressed for the 4th of July when we threw off the yoke of our british oppressors.

Samuel first thing in the morning. He has advanced to wearing pajamas as it has been drainingly hot here this week and he would drown in his own sweat if we tried to have him sleep in a sleepsack. It will not be long until he moves to a bed as is alarmingly close to being able to climb out of his crib.

Sorry for the lack of recent posts but moving with a 14 month old is much more difficult than moving with a 6 month old. The only opportunity to really get things done during the day is when Samuel is napping. The rest of the time is spent chasing , saying no and otherwise being fully occupied in being a parent of a very active and curious child. But we would not have it any other way.

Samuel is so very close to walking. He has taken a few steps between Julia and I a few times. But most of the time when we encourage him to try and walk between us, he falls to the floor and crawls.

We went to a 4th of July party and when Samuel was with me I let go of him and he stood, wavering for about 10 seconds. He knows how to walk he just needs to develop the confidence that he can do it.

As for language. He is still only babbling but he does babble almost constantly. This does not worry me as much as he is being exposed to two different languages and from other parents that I have talked to their toddlers(hard to accept that Samuel is now a toddler. Our baby is growing up way too fast.) were also late to talk when they were exposed to two languages.

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