Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Samuel is walking!!!!!!!

To see the video you need to become a friend of our you tube account.

Unless someone has advice on how to post video to this blog. I have tried but without success.

Samuel is not walking of his own accord yet but if we get him started he has walked as far as 20-25 feet on his own.

Samuel is very close to talking. We think that cat will probably be the first word he associates with a specific thing. He calls me dada a lot but he also calls Julia dada.

Latest visit to the pediatrician went well.

Weight-10.2 kg 22.48 lbs.

Height- 75.6 cm 30.94 in.

Height is just below 50% but his weight is now just under 20%. Considering he was just above 10% on his last visit everyone was quite pleased. He is still not enthusiastically eating solids but we have made an appointment to see a pediatric GI specialist in New York in August.

Samuel has started the terrible two's early. I just pulled him out from under the desk where he was pulling on the cords for the computer. I put him on the floor and he has proceeded to throw down everything I have given him to play with.

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