Saturday, November 7, 2009

Samuel and food

Today(Saturday) was a good day.  The background is as follows.  For the prior two weeks Samuel did not attend HG as it was closed due to school holidays.  Just before the school holiday we saw the pediatrician for Samuel's 18 month check-up.  Samuel's weight had changed only slightly from his 15 month check-up. This obviously concerned us.

So, for the 11 days that Samuel was with us and not at the HG we decided to change his feeding schedule. We dropped him from 4 bottles per day to 3 and provided him a meal with puree and snacks throughout the day.  If he refused to eat his meal we did not follow up with a bottle, he just waited until his next meal to eat.  If you read the previous post you know this was mostly unsuccessful.

Well, last Friday(6th) Samuel returned to the HG.  Julia dropped him off and picked him up as I have been sick all week.  Off topic note-This is  great house in which to be sick.  Julia worked from home on Wednesday so I was able to spend most of the morning in our bed which has a huge sliding door leading onto a small terrace.  Laying in bed staring out this large door looking at the clouds gently floating by, the river charging ever forward and the branches of the trees gently blowing in the wind is very relaxing.

Okay back to the main story.  When Julia dropped Samuel off she was able to have an extensive conversation with the HG workers and they agreed   plan so that Samuel would be on the same feeding schedule 7 days per week.  We started that plan today and it was mostly successful.  Samuel now starts his day with a bottle of 8 ozs. of formula with 4 teaspoons of rice cereal mixed in.  For lunch he gets a 190 gram jar of meat/vegetable puree followed by 2 petite suisse(yogurt like snack).  He then takes his nap.  When he wakes from his nap we give him a snack of a 120 gram pot of fruit puree with a yogurt.   In the evening we will give him a bottle of formula, puree, cereal and olive oil.

When Julia fed him his lunch he ate about 1/4 of the puree which is more than he has ever eaten for ether of us. He then scarfed down 2 petite suisse in record time.  For his snack he consumed the entire 120 gram apple/pear puree followed by 1 pettite suisse.  Where has this eating machine been for the last year?
Our only concern is that we do something to screw up his progress.  But for now at least Samuel is eating and eating well.

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