Friday, November 13, 2009

A trying week....

Julia is still felling tired and nauseous with the twins. She has also been fighting the remaining elements of the bronchitis she had a few weeks ago.

Meanwhile, my flu-like symptoms have turned into whooping cough.  Needless to say, neither of us have had enough sleep n the past week.  On top of that Samuel has had a few bad nights this week where he did not sleep through the night.  We can't complain as he sleeps through the night almost all the time.  I just wish he had slightly more compassionate timing.  One night I was up with him until 2 Am and finally had to go wake up Julia to take over as Samuel was unable to fall asleep with me sitting in his room with whooping cough

Samuel has also been ill.  He has had a discharge from his eyes and a slight cough for a week.  Julia was able to drop him at the HG this morning but they called just after noon saying that they thought his eye discharge was conjunctivitis and that he was contagious and that he could not stay at the HG  I went to pick him up and Julia came home from work and took him to the doctor and  he officially has conjunctivitis.

On the other hand.  Samuel is very cute when I wake him up in the morning and from his naps.  He very forcefully takes his pacifier from his mouth and throws it into this crib as if to say "I'm a big boy, Ii don't need you."

Samuel's progress with solid food has been sporadic at best.  He loves his petite suisse and fruit pots.  He is very much hit and miss with the meat/veggie purees.  At the HG today he ate a full jar.  For his snack today he took half a jar of puree.  While yesterday I succumbed to his intransigence and tried giving him one spoon of puree followed by 2 spoons of petite suisse in order to get him to eat the puree.

Tomorrow is a big day as a twins association of Paris is having a sale and there should be bouncy seats,  multiple strollers and other items for twins available.


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