Thursday, January 7, 2010

Samuel's vocabulary is expanding

Samuel had his first day at the HG for 3 weeks yesterday.  He was very excited to enter.  A bit surprising since we dropped him off 30 minutes earlier than usual and there were not as many kids in attendance. We dropped him of early as Julia had 2 doctor appointments and since she is no longer able to drive(at least long distances or during rush hour) I had to drive.

One of Julia's appointments was for a scan.  Everything is well.  Bo & Go each weigh about 500 grams and, if you believe the accuracy of the scans, they are both in about the 90th percentile for size.

Just want to let everyone know that it did not snow in Paris last night.  It just confirms that it never snows in Paris.

When we picked Samuel up at the HG Julia had a talk with one of the carers and they agree that Samuel is ready to start eating puree with morsels of food. The HG is also able to take babies when they are 3 months old.  So when we complete the application for next year we will ask for days for Samuel and the twins.  Samuel has charmed them(as he does with everyone who meets him) so she did not foresee any problems with our application.  While Julia was in the office conversing, Samuel and I were in the outer area getting him dressed for the cold. While we were doing this Samuel began expressing himself in a way he had not previously done.  Samuel was enunciating the word kaka.  I was shocked because it was the first time I had heard him speak the consonant k.  When I told Julia later in the evening she said that it is the french word for pooh.  We wonder if this is the beginning of Samuel learning all the things we don't want him to learn at the HG.

The strangest occurrence of the day happened when we returned home from the HG Samuel was fine on the drive home.  When he walked in the front door he began to cry and scream in a manner that he had never shown before.  It continued off and on for 30 minutes.  We do not know what caused this behavior.  Our best thought was that Samuel did not nap well at the HG and he was just tired.

Julia is in the office today for the last day.  She is cleaning out her desk and completing her filing.  Samuel and I were supposed to drive her in but with the snow last night Julia ended up getting a ride form a colleague that lives about 1/2 kilometer from us.  He will also give her a ride home.

After Julia left around 0830 I was laying on the couch reading the newspaper and Samuel walked over and crawled onto me and laid on me for over an hour.  Very unusual behavior for Samuel these days.  He did not sleep, he just laid on me with his head resting between my arm and stomach.  It reminded me of earlier, quieter days.  I miss those days.  Interested to see how many quiet days we will have with the twins and Samuel.

Samuel has begun saying no or non quite often.  It is interesting that sometimes he seems to say the English no and sometimes he says non with a French emphasis.

At dinner Wednesday evening we had curry with green beans.  Samuel was given a number of green beans to eat and he ate most of them.  However, a good amount of the green beans ended up down the front of his overalls.  Immediately after dinner I took Samuel upstairs for his bath, book and bed.  The routine was changed somewhat as I undressed Samuel in the bathroom so that any green beans in his clothes would not be tracked all over the upstairs.  As anticipated the  green beans fell onto the tiled bathroom floor and Samuel even helped to pick up the pieces and throw them in the toilet.  One time he was slow in returning to help and I tuned around and he had taken a roll of loo paper and dropped it in the toilet.  He hadn't done anything like that since we were in NY.  Hopefully, it is not an action that he will continue to exhibit.

We have the dumbest cats in the world.  Samuel's new favorite exercise is to chase the cats.  The cats, especially Molson, are not smart enough to run away. When he chases them on the ground floor they are not smart enough to run up the stairs where he cannot get to them as we have a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs.  As I am typing this Samuel has Molson backed into a corner in the hallway and Molson is unable to get away.  Once the twins start crawling we are certain that both Molson and Preacher will go outside one day and never return.  We would understand.

Samuel has been brought into the office.  Molson has been saved, for now.

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Samuel says hello.



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