Saturday, September 18, 2010

Samuel has another girlfriend.........

All three boys have been going through adaptation at the halte garderie this week.  The halte garderie is a state subsidized day care.  It costs us 10 euros per hour to have all three boys looked after.  The adaptation is a process where the twins have started by going for a hour on Monday and they worked there way up to 3 hours by Friday.  Next week they will go for 3 hours on Monday & Tuesday, then 6 hours on Wednesday and Friday.  If they adapt well the week after they will begin their full days on Wednesdaya nd Fridays.

Yesterday(17th) Samuel was in HG from 0900-1600 and the boys were there from 1300-1600.  Which meant that we had a few hours without a child in the house for the first time since April.  It was eerily quiet in the morning while Samuel was away.  During the afternoon Julia had a doctors appointment so I walked the twins to the HG.  After dropping the twins off  I walked to the brasserie California and sat at an outdoor table drinking a beer and doing the IHT crossword.  Julia joined me after her appointment and we both sat in the sun enjoying the sites and sounds of Chatou.

We both walked to the HG to pick up the boys.  Another couple was there picking up there 15 month old daughter.  As they and we were getting organized Samuel and their daughter chased each other around the entry way.  Twice Samuel gave her hugs during this time.  When the other couple was ready to leave Samuel chased after them and gave their daughter a final goodbye hug.  Very sweet.

Benjamin is now in 9 month clothes.  On Wednesday I went to pick up the twins at HG and they brought Benjamin out to me and his pants were unbuttoned and unzipped.  This was the subtle French way of telling us that they thought his pants were too tight.  We took the hint and dug out the 9 month clothes.  Now Benjamin is in 9 month clothes while Nathan is still in 6 month clothes.

Samuel is still a challenge when eating.  I am very happy about one development.  Samuel still loves cheese but now he only eats american cheddar cheese slices.  His favorite meal is mac and cheese where we melt a cheddar cheese slice over macaroni.  This is the only meal he eats regularly eats.

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