Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The lease is signed!!!!!!!!!!

This is the view toward the intersection of avenue Charles de Gaulle and Madrid. It has a lovely fountain and the main traffic of Charles de gaulle is in a tunnel going under the fountain so the noise is reduced.
This is the view from our terrace(looking right) looking down Madrid toward the bois
de boulogne. Did we mention that we are only 3 blocks from the entrance to the jardin d'acclimatasion(A very nice zoo designed for children). So those of you with kids make your reservations soon.
This is our kitchen. Not very exciting. Julia says it is an Ikea kitchen.
This is our bedroom looking out the window toward Madrid.
This is the terrace off of Samuel's room. We will be researching how to child proof a terrace as soon as we move in. It overlooks a very quiet sidestreet which if taken leads to a very nice pedestrian area with a franprix, a couple of restaurants, dry cleaners and wine shop.

Will post more later. We are preparing to go out for our anniversary dinner.

Our new address is:
6 Avenue de Madrid
92200, France

Technically we do not live in Paris as we are outside the interior peripherique.

Our new apartment is not the first choice in terms of architecture but it is far and away the best choice due to location. As stated previously it is only 3 blocks from the bois de boulogne (equivalent of NYC central park) where I will be able to run and take Samuel on many adventures. Our new place has only 3 bedrooms but they are all quite large by Paris standards and that is one of the reasons we chose the Madrid location as we can work better with 3 large rooms rather than 4 smaller rooms. The guest room will be very nice with a brand new futon(see earlier post) with access to the terrace so that guests can sit and have a glass of wine in the evening.

Okay, I have to admit to a mistake(which I never do). I was adding to the blog earlier and the keyboard fell off my lap and all of my best material was lost. Can I blame it on the cat? So this is my second attempt at telling the story of the day. Maybe Julia's narrative will be more entertaining.

We knew that Neuilly was a haven for ex-pats but until we actually walked around today and noticed that(it seems) half the restaurant cater to the Italian specialties( which is not a bad thing as pizza is very, very good here(as long as you don't order the egg (oeuf) :))

We will be in London from Thursday through Sunday so the blog may be not be updates as frequently(As we all know GB is boring(He says with a smile to all his GB relatives(through marriage)). We will be taking Samuel to met his godmother Poonam and members of the Denman side of the family who he has yet to meet.

As we stepped out of the metro(if I had not mentioned the pont de neuilly metro station is less than a block from the apartment) Julia noticed that we have an English pub around the corner from us. My only hope is that they televise the EPL(english premier league) futball matches on Saturday afternoons. If not I will miss my beloved Chelsea dethrone Man U and keep dastardly Liverpool in their place(again).

It has been a very long day. Samuel has been great s usual. He loves the metro. Falls asleep every time. We hope it is not the noxious fumes that are knocking him out. Tonight was the first night that we left Samuel with a stranger. we had a recommendation from one of Julia's friends who live in Paris as to a babysitter. Everything appeared to go well except that she was 30 minutes late. Very anxious time leaving your child for the first time with someone that you do not know.

Very tired, time to sign off for another day. tune in tomorrow for another thrilling episode of shopping in Paris. If all goes well we will shop at Darty, Orange(cell phone & internet) and Ikea(for small furniture pieces and curtains). Should be fun.

B-Bye for now.

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