Monday, September 1, 2008

Greetings from Frankfurt(edited-to amend ignorant American comment about tower

It has been a long day. Our flight was delayed due to weather. We were scheduled to leave Paris @ 9:50 and we did not leave until after 11:00. Samuel was pretty good on the plane. It was warm until they finally turned the air on. After the air was turned on, Samuel did calm down. He slept for part of the flight. The air crew was very good and gave us a couple of toys and a bib for Samuel

Julia attended meetings from 2 until 6:30 and then she returned to the hotel and pumped before attending a "business" dinner. Samuel and I had a good time reconnoitering around Frankfurt today. We found a nice park for Samuel to eat his lunch. Samuel had his first exposure to live opera as we walked past the opera and we could hear a rehearsal through the open windows.

Not sure if I should share this story as it does not portray me as a good parent. I was carrying Samuel facing away from me in his baby bjorn as we were walking around the Romer area of Frankfurt. A woman approached us and said how cute Samuel was and pinched his cheek(He will have to get use to this as he is an exceptionally cute baby) then, before I was able to stop her, the woman leaned over and kissed Samuel on the cheek. Samuel's first kiss was from a stranger on the streets of Frankfurt.

Have busy days scheduled for the next 2 days, as we do not depart for Paris until 1800 on Wednesday. Tuesday, Samuel and I will go to the top of the main tower(they could have thought of a better name(Edit-I should have known this, but I am stil sometimes an ignorant American. The tower is named for the river that runs through Frankfurt, the Main)), the tallest building in Frankfurt with an observation deck. We then may head to the woods outside of town for the view of the city or we may go to the zoo. On Wednesday we will spend the day in Museums. There is a film museum that I am looking forward to seeing. We will also plan on going to a modern and ancient art museum. If we have time we will go the home of Goethe.


  1. Welcome to Frankfurt! I hope to see Julia in Schwalbach on of these days.
    And Dave, the explanation for the name "Main Tower" is that the river is called "Main". Hence, it's meant to be a local name ... with a small hint of pride for foreign visitors of course :)

  2. Now that you are getting into the local language, how did you like your first full day strolling? Did you manage to visit any of the museums planned or the zoo? Let me know if you need any more recommendations. My mobile no. is +49 172 6050565. Enjoy your second day here, too!
