Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Samuel 4 month check-up

The doctor confirmed our belief.  Samuel is perfect.

Okay, maybe he did not say perfect. Grant me a little parental bias.

Samuel is fine.  He fell slightly under 50% in weight.  Understandable considering all that we have put him through in the last month.  His height is slightly over 50%.  Long and lean, just like his Papa.

Weight: 6.2 kg (13lb, 10 oz.), height 64 cm(25 1/4 in.)

We walked back from the hospital, stopping at the Neuilly aquatic centre to sign Samuel up for baby swim lessons.  We were too late to get him in the classes starting September so he will begin lessons in January instead.  We will have pictures and videotape.  By then I hope to have learned how to download video onto the mac.

New pictures will be posted soon to the kodak website.

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