Friday, October 31, 2008

Been gone for far too long.....

First things first.

Samuel had his 6 month check-up on October 28th.  All is well.  He weighed in at 7.3 Kg and with a length of 67.5 cm.  Converted he is 16.1 lbs. and 26.1 inches.  His length is still 50% but his weight has fallen to the 25%. Our doctor is not worried as he is eating well and often.  We think because he is such an active baby that he burns a lot of calories.  He doesn't sleep much which also contributes to his burning of calories.

s. This is a picture of Samuel taken today(10/31) which shows him laying next to his 6 month handprints.  I love my conniving, deceitful go behind my back wife.  The plate is a gift to me from Julia and Samuel that she spent last Saturday morning arranging.  Of course, I knew nothing about it.

Halloween did not meet expectations.  The trick-or-treat we were supposed to attend today was severely affected by the weather.  It has been raining for 2 days with the high temperatures hovering around 5-7c (40-43f).  It was just too cold and wet to take him out for trick or treating especially considering the parc was a 20 minute drive, in good weather conditions.

Samuel did have a halloween experience on the 29th.  A group on the west side of Paris had a mall intimate(20 kids!) halloween party.  Samuel and I attended and again Samuel was the youngest in attendance.  The 4 parents(me and 3 moms) with young kids sat in a corner while the moms with bigger kids made halloween bags and went trick or treating through the apartment.  Quite hilarious actually to see the kids knocking on bedroom and bathroom doors asking for candy.

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