Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kids are the same everywhere.

Samuel and I went to monoprix this morning to pick up a few things.  They have baby mais (baby corn) which is fresh.  This means we can have one of our favorite salads while her in Paris. 

Okay, back to the point of the post.  While we were walking around the candy section, looking for powdered chocolate, I saw a mother and son wheel their cart up and park it next to the candy.  The mother walked off to another aisle.  the son, with a very mischievous look on his face, snuck over to the candy and grabbed something and sneaked back to the cart and hid the candy under items that had already been placed in the cart.  This is the type of behavior that i used to partake in.  Kids are the same everywhere.  Needless to say I have had a smile on my face since the incident.

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