Sunday, October 5, 2008

Molson tells us how he feels about moving.....

We went to the old apartment today to pick up the cats. We had left them at the old aprtment to aviod the stress of being in the new place while we were moving in. We also needed to move the car as Julia had signed the new lease for a parking place on Friday.

We picked up the cats. We placed Preacher in a cat carrier and carried Molson to the car. Julia was holding Molson while riding down in the lift. Unfortunately at this time Molson chose to releive his bladder. Julia was not happy. While we were driving to the new place I was holding Molson in my lap. I had my hand saound his stomach. As the car was moving I noticed some tightining in his stomach. I picked up Molson and placed him on the seat between my legs. As we noticed a very strong odor I picked up Molson and there was a solid pooh on the seat(and some on my pants). It could have been worse as the poh was solid and diarrhea. There is always a bright side. We drove the rest of the way with the windows down.

The cats were very strange in adjusting. Preacher actually spent part of the evening in our bed. Something she has never done before.

1 comment:

  1. The apartment looks great. I'll be visiting next weekend. I'll bring my cat Lucille - who can add to the pee and poo smell and can make herself right at home!

    Just kidding. Really miss you. Would love to visit.

