Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The cousins meet.....

This is Samuel's cousin Eila feeding him his bottle

Julia, James, Eila and Samuel taken while they were skyping Grandma Moya.

The cousins.  Color coordinated wardrobes?

Julia's brother James, his wife Astrid and their 6 year old daughter Eila visited over the weekend.  Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate.  Snow actually was falling on Saturday, No accumulation but snow did fall from the sky.

The weather did break long enough for Eila and Samuel to go to the Bois de Bologne and feed day old baguette to the ducks.  James and Julia called it a social science experiment.

1 comment:

  1. Social science experiment ... I wonder for whom ... the ducks, the children or the parents. Let us know the result of the experiment analysis :)
