Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in Paris

Dave, Samuel, Grandma & Grandpa in the hall of mirrors at Versailles
Grandma and Grandpa on the river seine cruise with Notre Dame in the background.
Julia, Dave and Samuel(in his new snowsuit) on the Champs d'elysees.

Thanksgiving in Paris was quite interesting.  Our turkey was 7.3k(approximately 18 lbs.)  Quite a large turkey.  We were worried that it would not fit in our oven.  With a little encouragement it just did.

Samuel's grandparents visited for 8 days.  The weather again did not cooperate.  No snow but a lot of rain and cold temperatures.

We were able to visit Versailles.  The experience was tainted by the presence of exhibits by the "artist" Jeff Koon.  Call me old fashioned but I did not go to Versailles to see modern "art".  To call what this individual does art is an insult to the drawings I did as a 4 year old.  One example.  There was a piece that was a red plastic toy lobster suspended from the ceiling on a red chain.  Laughable.  Rant off.

This was my first Thanksgiving that I can remember not watching American football.  Suspect I will have to get used to the experience.

Brought all of our Christmas items up from the cave tonight.  We plan on going to the Neuilly Christmas market on Saturday to purchase french tree lights and whatever else they have that we like.  Christmas trees are already out on the streets.   Most of them appear to be wrapped.  We will have to be patient and find one that is not wrapped so we can inspect to ensure that it is indeed a good tree.

Not a lot new to report.  We are all winding down from an eventful 11 days of having family visiting. Samuel was difficult to get to sleep the last few nights.  Overstimulated during the day meant not wanting to sleep at night.  The last 2 nights he has gone to sleep much easier.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave, how is the teething going? Any results yet? Enjoy your P&Q before Christmas. It was very good seeing you all and your new surroundings and meeting Samuel at last.Hope you guys all stay healthy.

