Thursday, February 12, 2009


Samuel was kind enough to share his gastroenteritis with his parents, so we are all now gradually recovering from the experience. It was definitely the right thing not to get on the plane on Saturday - we have all had quite a difficult few days and it would have been miserable with a long plane ride and then having to manage illness far from home.

Samuel is still not eating much and occasionally vomiting, but otherwise is generally his usual happy, active self. We took him back to the doctor again last night to check his weight, and he hasn't lost too much (a relief - he was in the 75th percentile of height and 15th percentile of weight at the last checkup a couple of weeks ago, so he's already pretty lean). There are some distinct advantages to having a doctor in the building - the trip to see him simply means we pick up Samuel and take the lift down to the 1st floor! We are now going to try and add some cereal to his formula to help settle his digestion and help add some more calories to his diet, since he's still only eating about half of his normal amount and this could last for a while longer.

After a couple of days at home, I have returned to work. The good news is that since I was supposed to be on vacation I have the luxury of a calendar almost entirely free of meetings, so I can catch up on my email and easily have time to deal with urgent matters. Today's main challenge is to try to reschedule our vacation for the week of 18-25 April: Samuel's first birthday will (hopefully!) be spent playing in the sand and sea of the Caribbean.


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