Friday, February 13, 2009

"It never snows in paris"-Julia, July 2008

It has snowed 10 or 11 (it has snowed so often that I have lost count) times this winter. Thankfully very seldom does the snow effect our lives as it does not stick to the roads.  Only one occurrence where about 2-3 inches fell and Julia's commute was 90 minutes and she had a number of near accidents actually had an effect on our lives.

Samuel and I are visiting my family in Denver from March 21st through March 27th.  We thought this was a good idea because Julia was scheduled to be in Geneva for 4 days of tax training so she would have been away from both of us anyway.  Unfortunately, Julia has been so effective in reducing costs that she has had to slash her own travel budget and she will now be in Paris for our entire time in Denver.  

If there is anyone out there who has been harboring thoughts of visiting us please consider coming during this time as it would ease my guilt immensely to know that Julia will not be alone for 6 days.  I know that I would not be able to handle 6 days without Samuel. 


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