Monday, April 6, 2009

We are no longer the worst parents in the history of civilization...

As we have posted earlier Samuel has been refusing to take solids consistently since we first attempted in November. We have tried everything we can think of  and we have tried everything that other people could advise.

Our pediatrician has advised us that Samuel should be eating solids by now and that the only reason he was not is that we made his life easy by always offering bottles when he refused to eat solids.  He also told us that when Samuel was hungry enough he would eat solids. Following his advice many times in the last few months we have skipped bottles with Samuel in the hope that he would be hungry enough to eat solid foods.  Every time we tried this he still refused to eat his solids. Following doctor advice we went so far as to not feed Samuel for 18 hours last Friday.  He still refused to take any solids. Based on this we made an appointment to see a Pediatrician gastrointestinal specialist this morning. She re-assured us that we are doing nothing wrong, that Samuel will eat solids when he chooses to eat solids.  We should continue to feed him as we have been putting purees and rice cereal in his bottles.  Her advice was to continue to use the bottle but add other purees and meats to the bottle mix.

Samuel's vitals as of 6 April 2009.  Weight 8.9 Kg(19.6 Lbs.), Height 75.5 Cm(29.72 inches).

For height he is slightly above 50%, for weight he is at 10%. Still concerned about weight but considering the colds and gastro he has had the last few months plus the trans-atlantic flights where he slept rather than ate we are satisfied that his weight did not drop farther down the charts.

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