Monday, June 1, 2009

Samuel update-1 June

Samuel is into everything these days.  he has lately taken to cruising into the office, pulling himself up on the desk and playing with the Mac keyboard.  We think he should be walking very soon.  Moving to the new house should help him as we will be able to take him outside, on grass, and allow him to fall down so that he realizes that he will not get hurt if he does fall down.  It did take him quite a while to learn to get back down onto the floor once he had learned to pull himself up.  But now he gets up and down too quickly.

Samuel has learned the meaning of the word no.  When he starts to do something that we do not want him to do we tell him no,  he stops looks at us, smiles(or laughs), and then continues upon his way.  His hesitation does give us time to catch up to him and take away the object he should not have or to remove him from an area in which he should not be. 

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