Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving shopping in Chatou

We are postponing Thanksgiving by one day.  We were supposed to finish our shopping and make the stuffing, pies and cranberry sauce on Wednesday.  Unfortunately Samuel has the sniffles and did not go to HG on Wednesday.  I also had a very, very sore throat to the point where I could not swallow.  It has been a frustrating 3 weeks as one of us has been sick every day for the last 3 weeks.

We did our Thanksgiving shopping today(Thursday).  Samuel and I picked up the baguette and the Turkey while Julia went to the SuperU to pick up a few items. We parked in front of the SuperU and Julia, Samuel and I walked to the SuperU together and Samuel and I said goodbye to Julia in front of the SuperU.  Samuel was not happy with this and began to fuss.  As we started to walk an elderly women came out of the door of the SuperU. She heard Samuel fussing and turned over her shoulder and gave him a big smile.  He continued to fuss.  She stopped walking, turned around and waited for us to catch up with her.  She then proceeded to talk to Samuel(all I heard was tres mignon-very cute) and reached out her hand and rubbed the back of her hand along his cheek. He calmed down and reached the point where he reached out his arms and gave her a great big Samuel hug.  For a day I like the French.

Today Samuel carried the baguette from the boulangerie.  We may not do this in the future as the end of the baguette immediately entered Samuel's mouth.  Very cute but also very messy.

Edited to add-Our local fruitier has fresh cranberries! Yeah!!!!!  I feel guilty as I asked my sister, Beth in Colorado, to ship us two bags of cranberries(one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas) and now we will be unable to use them.  How long can cranberries stay frozen and still be good to eat?


1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Cranberries have a natural antiseptic (benzoate) so they should be good in the freezer for at least a year I would say.
    French baguette as an accompaniement sounds yummy but Zara did a wonderful job and we had delicious turkey with masses of vegetables here in sunny California!
    Lots of love
